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General of the Confederacy

General of the Confederacy

Regular price $317.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $317.00 CAD
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This is Don Troiani print - General of the Confederacy.

Available Format of Print:
350 Signed/Numbered (available)
Overall: 31.5" x 24.25"
Image: 26.75" x 20.25"

Artist Proof (available)
50 Signed/Numbered
Overall: 31.5" x 24.25"
Image: 26.75" x 20.25"

Canvas Giclee (printed as ordered)
15 Signed/Numbered
Overall: 30" x 25"

Some were graduates of West Point, others had served as volunteers in the Mexican War and yet others had no military experience at all. Some bought their way in by raising regiments of volunteers or with political influence and others worked their way up through the ranks earning promotions based on hard fighting, natural leadership ability and experience.  By 1863 most of the incompetents and political favorites had been weeded out, resigned or assigned to desk jobs leaving the real fighters to finish the war. Many were killed or wounded leading their men and others led productive lives as loyal citizens of a reunited nation.

One of the greatest advantages of Southern armies was a cadre of excellent brigade and division leaders. Men of the stamp of Patrick Cleburne, Nathan Bedford Forrest, John Brown Gordon, Stephen Dodson Ramseur and a host of others who earned their rank by merit, could have changed the course of the war had they commanded the great armies.

This painting depicts Brigadier John Crawford Vaughn of Roane County, Tennessee in 1863. Vaughn entered the service as a Captain of the 5th Tennessee Infantry in the Mexican War and in 1861 raised the 3rd Tennessee Regiment. He fought at First Manassas and was  afterwards commissioned a Brigadier General in September of 1862. Serving in the West he was forced to surrender with his brigade at Vicksburg, Mississippi. After his exchange  he commanded mounted troops in Western Virginia and East Tennessee. As Southern fortunes crumbled in 1865 his brigade formed part of the escort of President Jefferson Davis during his flight from pursuing Union forces. After the war he held various political offices until his death in Georgia in 1875.

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